10DLC Fees: T-Mobile non-use fee

Any inactive campaigns provisioned in T-Mobile's platform will soon be subject to T-Mobile's new "non-use" fee.

What's happening?

Effective December 1, 2022, T-Mobile is implementing a $250.00 (USD) non-use fee to ensure campaigns provisioned in their A2P platform are active and in use. This fee will be charged at the campaign level for any campaigns that have not sent any traffic to a T-Mobile destination in a rolling two month (60 day) window.

What do I need to know?

Your 10DLC SMS campaigns through Plum may be affected by T-Mobile's new non-use fee policy. You may risk incurring this non-use fee if you have a 10DLC campaign that:

  • Is no longer in use, or

  • Sends few messages

If incurred, we would pass this non-use fee on to you without markup for each relevant campaign.

When will these fees be first seen?

The rolling two month window for assessing non-use begins December 1, 2022. This window includes January and February. After that, any incurred non-use fees should begin appearing on invoices from March onward.

What do I need to do?

To avoid incurring this new fee, Plum Voice recommends the following:

  • Your campaign is no longer in use and will not be used in the future? Please expire these campaigns with us as soon as possible by submitting a ticket via our support portal.

  • Your campaign sends a minimal amount of messages? Contact our support team or submit a ticket to let us know. At least one message per month to a T-Mobile destination number will be necessary to keep the campaign active.

Last updated