Diagnostic Flow

The diagnostic flow section provides a visual representation of your application. This diagram can help troubleshoot various aspects of your application's performance. For example, the diagnostic flow can help reveal where callers transfer out of the application or hang up, or what the most common path through your application is.

Common Call Path

The common call path section diagrams the most common path through your application on a day-to-day basis. Every node in the graph represents a form item from your application. VoiceTrends uses every form item from every call for a given day to calculate the totals that comprise the graph. When selecting a date range, VoiceTrends merges the graphs for each day within that range together to present the most common call path over the specified date range. The colored bars represent the nodes (form items) themselves and the bars connecting them represent the path from one node to the next. The size of each node reflects the number of total visits to that node. Hovering over the path between nodes displays the total number of visits from one node to the next.

How to Read the Common Call Path Diagram

Read the common call path diagram from left to right. Each node of the graph represents a form in your application and the connections between the nodes represent the different paths callers follow when using the application. The size of the nodes and connections between them correspond to the actual number of users who followed that path. This provides, at a glance, a sense of scale in relation to how callers use the application and how frequently callers reach a specific node from the previous node. More frequently visited nodes are larger than less frequently visited nodes.

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