Welcome to VoiceTrends


This overview explains the user interface basics and how to change which data VoiceTrends displays. The other sections provide a full description of each VoiceTrends section and what the data in those sections represents.

Welcome Screen

This is the page you see when first navigating to VoiceTrends. You can also navigate back to this page by clicking on the VoiceTrends logo.

Main Header Navigation

For authenticated users, the main header on the welcome page looks like this:

Side Navigation Bar

The expandable side navigation bar provides easy access to all of the main items in VoiceTrends. This menu provides easy access to all navigation items while taking advantage of your screen's full width.




Statistics related to call minutes, total calls, transfers, and call duration

Statistics related to certain call events including: form items, loops, and log tags

Statistics related to performance elements, such as Javascript errors, fetch errors, and average page load times

Diagram and visual representation of the common call path, disconnects, no matches, no inputs, and transfers of your application

Statistics related to total calls, total callers, unique callers, and caller geography


Clicking an icon in the side navigation bar expands that menu, displaying links to each sub-item in the menu. For example, clicking the “Call Volume” icon expands the menu and displays each item within the Call Volume section:

Date Selection

All data is displayed relative to the set date range. The date selection menu provides a comprehensive list of pre-defined date ranges and allows users to specify custom date ranges, too. The date selection menu looks like the following:

On the right side of this menu contains a list of common, pre-defined date ranges. These include current and past days, weeks, months, and quarters. Choose the “Custom” option to specify a date range with your desired state and end date. Select the start date using the calendar on the left and select the end date using the calendar on the right. After setting the desired range, click the “Apply” button to set the date range. VoiceTrends automatically updates the displayed data to match the custom date range.

Date Comparison

In addition to viewing data over a set range, you can also compare data side-by-side from two separate date ranges.

After selecting multiple date ranges, VoiceTrends displays the data associated with each date range as a different colored line. The image below provides a sample of this date comparison feature.

Phone Number Selection

By default, VoiceTrends calculates data points based on all the phone numbers in your hosting account. VoiceTrends allows users to see data for individual phone numbers, too. To select a specific phone number, use the “All Phone Numbers” drop down in the top left of the side navigation menu.

Selecting this menu displays a list of all the phone numbers in your hosting account. To filter the graph data to a specific phone number, select the desired phone number from this drop-down menu. The graph automatically updates to reflect the data for that phone number.

After selecting a new phone number from this menu, VoiceTrends makes that number the default for all subsequent navigation throughout the toolkit. This includes all date ranges and date range comparisons. Use the phone numbers menu to make a different number the default or to switch back to the cumulative “All Phone Numbers” option.

Period Selection

By default, VoiceTrends presents data on a per-day basis. In this periodization view, each data point represents one day in the specified date range.

Other periodization options include per week and per month. Select the desired periodization value from the menu directly below the date selection drop down:

Changing this selection changes the x-axis of the graph to the corresponding selection, either days, weeks, or months. This features allows users to quickly compare week-to-week and month-to-month values.

Graph Navigation

In addition to the main header navigation you can also jump to any page within the current section by clicking on the graph preview to the left of the main graph for this page. Clicking any of the left hand graphs immediately jumps to view that page.

Last updated