Using the Plum DEV site
Changing Your Account Password
To change your account password, mouse-over Account Settings and click on “Change Password”.
Once you click on “Change Password”, you will be prompted to enter your Current Password, the New Password you desire, and the New Password again for confirmation. Once you are finished entering your new password, click on Save.
Configuring Two-Factor Authentication
To set up two-factor authentication on your Plum DEV account, mouse-over Account Settings and click 'Change Password.'
You will see a box that says “Configure Two-Factor Authentication.” This section also displayed your account's two-factor authentication activation status. Until two-factor authentication is activated, the default status for this option is ‘disabled.
Enter your mobile phone number when prompted to do so. Please note: currently, two-factor authentication is only set up to handle domestic USA phone numbers. Click the ‘Next’ button.
The system will send a six-digit code to your mobile device.
Enter the code when prompted to do so to verify your phone number.
After successfully verifying your mobile number, you will also be presented with a list of one-time use codes. These codes can be used to access your account in the event that you do not have your mobile device handy. Be sure to keep a copy of these codes in a safe, secure place. Do not share or post your codes publicly.
After enabling two-factor authentication, each time you log into your account a code will be sent to your mobile device and DEV will prompt you for that code before taking you to your account.
If you run out of one-time access codes and want to generate a set it is necessary to deactivate and then re-activate two-factor authentication on your account. For security purposes, if you deactivate two-factor authentication you will need to wait at least one (1) hour before re-activating it. To re-activate two-factor authentication, follow the same instructions above.
Assigning an Application to a Phone Number
To assign an application to your phone number, place your mouse under Applications and click on “Application Configuration”.
From there, click on “Edit” for one of your phone numbers.
Once you click on “Edit”, you can choose the ASR Engine, TTS Engine, and the Application Source. Depending on your Application Source, you can then enter a Remote URL, Scratchpad, and Pre-Built Application for your number.
For the ASR Engine, you should only select Nuance OSR 3.0 as the ASR Engine for your application. Note: For UK numbers, only Nuance OSR 3.0 is available as an option.
For the TTS Engine, you can select AT&T Natural Voices, Cepstral Swift 4.1 (beta), Nuance RealSpeak 3.0, and Nuance RealSpeak 3.0 (beta) as options. For production applications, we highly recommend that you only use AT&T Natural Voices and Nuance RealSpeak 3.0 for your TTS Engines. Note: For UK numbers, only AT&T Natural Voices, Cepstral Swift 4.1, and Nuance RealSpeak 4.0 are available as options.
For the Application Source, you can select Remote URL, Scratchpad, and Pre-Built Application as your options. For Remote URL, you would enter the URL of your application in the textbox that's provided. For Scratchpad, you would select the scratchpad of your choice from the drop-down list of scratchpads you had created. For Pre-Built Application, you would select the pre-built application of your choice from the drop-down list of pre-built applications you had created.
Once you have chosen all your settings, click on the Save button and you should be all set to dial into your application.
Client-Side Certificates
Adding Client-Side Certificates
To add a client-side certificate to your DEV account go to Account Settings > Client-Side Certificates.
When prompted, type in the domain for the certificate. Click the ‘Choose File’ button to locate and select the client-side certificate you would like to add to your account.
Click the ‘Save’ button to upload the certificate.
The table on the client-side certificate page will update the certificate list after a successful certificate upload.
Modifying Client-Side Certificates
Enabling Client-Side Certificates
To add a certificate to an application, go to Applications > Application Configuration.
Locate the application you would like to add the certificate to from the list and click ‘Edit’ for that application.
The ‘Client-Side Certificates’ field only appears in the editing window after you upload a certificate to your account. Select the desired certificate from the drop-down list then click the ‘Enable Certificate’ button.
Note: If your application already has client-side certificates associated with it, this process will override those certificates. However, any active certificates will remain valid until you upload a new certificate and activate it for that application using the Client-Side Certificate tool.
Pre-Built Applications
Pre-built applications are customizable predefined phone applications that allow you to manage prompt audio files, web services and various aspects of the call flow.
To begin creating your pre-built application, click Applications to bring up the drop down menu for application settings and click on “Pre-Built Applications”.
From there, enter the application name in the textbox, select the pre-built application template from the drop-down menu, and then click on the Create Application button. You should see your new application added to the Applications table below. Click edit to begin configuring the pre-built application.
This should open a new window with a list of instructions for the Pre-Built Application on how to configure the call flow, configure the error handlers, review the audio configurations, and integrate your data. This should look similar to the following:
Click on the Callflow tab to begin configuration of your call flow. In this menu, you can configure each call flow element by changing the text prompt that is played or uploading an audio file to be played in place of the text prompt.
Once you are finished making your configurations to the call flow, you can click on the Error Handlers tab to configure the error handler messages that get played during specific events in the call flow. Clicking the 'technical difficulties', 'nomatch', and 'noinput' elements will allow you to change the text prompt that is played or upload an audio file to be played in place of the text prompt. Additionally, for the 'error' error handler, you can configure a number for which the application can be transfered to when this event occurs, if desired. Clicking 'Enabled' will allow you to add the setting for any 0 input to transfer the caller to an operator. You can further configure this option by clicking 'operator' to set the text prompt or audio file which will play for this prompt and clicking 'operator transfer' to set the number in which the application will be transfered to.
After configuring the call flow and error handlers, you can click on the Audio Manager tab to see all the audio files that have been uploaded for your application.
If the prompt has a caution symbol next to it, that means no audio file has been uploaded for that prompt. Clicking on Edit allows you to upload a different audio file for your prompt and change the text that gets played if no audio file is uploaded. Clicking on the Play button allows you to listen to the audio file that was uploaded for your prompt. Clicking on the Delete button allows you to delete the audio file that was attached for your prompt.
Once you have finished configuring your audio files, you can click on the Data Source. From there, you can choose to use a Remote WSDL URL or use the Plum Default Data. The Plum Default Data serves as sample data to test the Pre-Built Application when you call into it.
Once you have entered a valid WSDL and clicked “Save” to assign the WSDL to your application, you have finished completing your pre-built application and can now assign it to one of your phone numbers.
Looking Through Call Logs
When looking through the call logs, you can choose to view recent call logs, current call logs, session logs, and error logs.
To view recent call logs, click Call Logs to bring up the drop down menu for call log settings and click on “Recent Calls”.
When looking at the recent call logs, by default, you can see the logs for any calls that occurred in the last 5 days in descending order from the most recent. You can set three filters in this menu: Start and End date (within the last 5 days) to specify the time interval for the shown call logs, number of rows per page (Show x entries) drop down menu, and you can search the recent call logs by typing in the desired Phone Number or Caller ID in the 'Search' textbox.
To view the contents of a recent call log, you can click on View Log for one of your recent call logs. Once you click on View Log, you would be able to see the contents of your call along with all of the call's behavior.
If there are any current calls into any of your phone numbers, you would be able to view their logs in real time by looking through the current call logs.
To view current call logs, click Call Logs to bring up the drop down menu for call log settings and click on Current Calls.
To view call session logs, click Call Logs to bring up the drop down menu for call log settings and click on “Session Logs”.
For Session Logs, you can view the raw access logs for all of your phone numbers (including all phone types: inbound, outbound, and call transfers). When viewing session logs, you can enter criteria for which logs you would like to view. There are two types of criteria when searching for session logs: aggregate session logs and daily session logs.
For Aggregate Session Logs, select the phone number (or All Phone Numbers) along with the start date and end date. Once you finished setting your options, click on View Log to view your session logs. For Daily Session Logs, select the phone number and date of the log you want to view.
From the session log, you would see the following information in one of three formats:
calltype ANI channum [timestamp] DNIS sessionID callStart callEnd callLength local ANI channum [timestamp] DNIS sessionID fetchurl: startURL local ANI channum [timestamp] DNIS sessionID logTagLabel: logTagExpr
Calltype can be inbound, outbound, or transfer. Local is used for the <log> tag entries.
ANI is the calling phone number.
Channum is the hardware channel that the call came in on.
Timestamp is formatted like this: “08/Apr/2003:10:37:50 -0400”
DNIS is the called phone number.
SessionID is a unique ID assigned by the platform to each session: (serverid;channel;starttime)
CallStart is the UNIX timestamp (seconds since 1/1/1970) for the start of the call.
CallEnd is the UNIX timestamp (seconds since 1/1/1970) for the end of the call.
CallLength is the length of the call in hours:minutes:seconds.
StartURL is the URL of the start page for the call.
LogTagLabel is the label name for any <log> tag entries.
LogTagMessage is the message contents of any <log> tag entries.
For Error Logs, you can view the cumulative errors that have occurred for each of your calls, allowing for debugging and troubleshooting when callers report issues. When viewing error logs, you can enter criteria for which logs you would like to view. There are two types of criteria when searching for session logs: aggregate error logs and daily error logs. To view the Aggregate Error Logs for one of your numbers, select a number from the drop-down menu, select a start date and end date, and click on View Log to view the log. To view the Daily Error Logs for one of the your numbers, select the number from the drop-down menu, select the date, and click on View Log to view the error log for that day.
Plum DEV Subaccounts
Subaccounts in Plum DEV can be created to give read-only access to your hosting account. This is especially handy for reporting purposes as a means to expose your call logs and reporting functionalities without the risk of an inexperienced user accidentally modifying any of your existing applications.
Navigating to the subaccount menu
All you need to do is click the “Account Settings” header item and then select “Manage Subaccounts” from the drop down list.
This will bring you to the Manage Subaccounts page.
Creating a subaccount
Once on the Manage Subaccount page, clicking the “New Subaccount” button will bring up a dialog window where you can set an email address and password for the new subaccount. Simply populate the email address and set a password for the new account and hit the create button.
Modifying an existing subaccount
Clicking this icon will bring up a dialog window that will allow you to modify the email address and password for the associated subaccount.
Removing an existing subaccount
Clicking this icon will pop up a window asking you to confirm the account deletion.
Simply Click Ok to confirm the deletion or Cancel to dismiss the window.
Subaccount permissions
Subaccounts have access to all reporting features, but are not allowed to modify any application settings. You can think of subaccounts as read-only accounts. They'll have access to everything the master account does, with the exception of outbound, subaccount management, and application management. This includes access to reporting, analytics, and voicetrends.
Last updated