

The <filled> element specifies an action to perform when some combination of input items is filled by user input. It may occur in two places: as a child of the <form> element, or as a child of an input item.


Data type



(defaults to all) Accepted values are "all" or "any".

If set to "any", this action is executed when any of the specified input items is filled by the last user input.

If set to "all", this action is executed when all of the mentioned input items are filled, and at least one has been filled by the last user input.

Note: A <filled> element in an input item cannot specify a mode.



The input items to trigger on.

For a <filled> in a form, namelist defaults to the names (explicit and implicit) of the form's input items.

A <filled> element in an input item cannot specify a namelist; the namelist in this case is the input item name. Note that control items are not permitted in this list.




<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
    <field name="myprompt" type="digits">
        Say the magic number between 1 and 9.
        <if cond="myprompt==5">
            You guessed correctly!
        <elseif cond="myprompt==4 || myprompt==6"/>
            You're close. Try again.
          <clear namelist="myprompt"/>
            Try again.
          <clear namelist="myprompt"/>

The output of the above script would be:

Computer: Say the magic number between one and nine. Human: Three. Computer: Try again. Say the magic number between one and nine. Human: Six. Computer: You're close. Try again. Say the magic number between one and nine. Human: Five. Computer: You guessed correctly!

Child Tags

<audio>, <assign>, <clear>, <data>, <disconnect>, <enumerate>, <exit>, <foreach>, <goto>, <if>, <log>, <prompt>, <reprompt>, <return>, <script>, <submit>, <throw>, <value>, <var>

Parent Tags

<field>, <form>, <record>, <subdialog>, <transfer>

Last updated