

The <if> element is used for conditional logic. It has optional <else> and <elseif> elements.


Data type



An ECMAScript expression to evaluate.


Note that the <else> and <elseif> tags both must contain a trailing forward slash to terminate.

<if cond="number==5">
  <!-- do something -->
<elseif cond="number==2"/>
  <!-- do something else -->
  <!-- do something for all other cases -->


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
    <field name="myprompt" type="digits">
        Say the magic number between 1 and 9.
        <!-- The "cond" attribute within an "if" tag -->
        <!-- should contain a boolean ECMAscript expression. -->
        <if cond="myprompt==5">
            You guessed correctly!
        <elseif cond="myprompt==4 || myprompt==6"/>
            You're close. Try again.
          <clear namelist="myprompt"/>
            Try again.
          <clear namelist="myprompt"/>

The output of the above script would be:

Computer: Say the magic number between one and nine. Human: Three. Computer: Try again. Say the magic number between one and nine. Human: Six. Computer: You're close. Try again. Say the magic number between one and nine. Human: Five. Computer: You guessed correctly!

Child Tags

<audio>, <assign>, <clear>, <data>, <disconnect>, <else>, <elseif>, <enumerate>, <exit>, <foreach>, <goto>, <if>, <log>, <prompt>, <reprompt>, <return>, <script>, <submit>, <throw>, <value>, <var>

Parent Tags

<block>, <catch>, <error>, <filled>, <foreach>, <help>, <if>, <noinput>, <nomatch>

Last updated