The outermost tag within a VoiceXML document.
Name | Data type | Description |
application | String | The URI of this document's application root document, if any. |
xml:base | String | The base URI for this document. As in HTML, a URI that all relative references within the document take as their base. |
xml:lang | String | (defaults to “en_us”) The language identifier for this document. |
xmlns | String | (defaults to “http://www.w3.org/2001/vxml”) The designated namespace for VoiceXML. This attribute is disregarded by the platform. |
version | String | The version of VoiceXML of this document (required). Only “2.0” is supported, though certain “1.0” tags are still processed. |
The output of the above script would be:
Computer: This is a basic script.
Child Tags
<catch>, <data>, <help>, <noinput>, <nomatch>, <error>, <form>, <link>, <menu>, <metadata>, <property>, <script>, <var>
Parent Tags
Last updated