Survey Response Reporting

Locating your report_id: This method can only be run on saved reports. Once you save your report you can visit the View Survey Visits page, on which you'll see at the top a section labeled “Reporting API URL.” This will be the full URL you will use for survey response reporting via the API.

Survey Response Reporting


This method allows you to fetch CSV exports of your saved survey reports programmatically (or through your browser, authenticating via http basic). There are a number of optional parameters supplied which will allow for you to paginate responses when working with very large data sets.

Path Parameters




The report_id for your saved report.






Request Body




Unix timestamp to filter your survey responses to a specific date range.



Unix timestamp to filter your survey responses to a specific date range.



Offset when querying for a row range. The offset will indicate at which row in the result set to begin including rows in the response csv. If you set an offset of 25, the first 25 rows will be ignored and row 26 will be the first row included in the response.



Limit the number of rows returned. The limit must be between 1 and 10,000. If no limit is supplied, the limit will be 500.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2016 18:41:49 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.29 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.29 OpenSSL/1.0.2d PHP/5.4.45
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.45
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=report.csv
X-Plum-Total-Rows: 12
X-Plum-Returned-Rows: 10
X-Plum-Row-Offset: 0
X-Plum-Row-Limit: 10
Content-Length: 941
Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8

"Survey ID","Survey Name","Visit Type","Caller ID/IP Address","Phone Number",Start,End,Completed,"Was this information helpful?","What is your favorite decimal number?"
19571,"test reporting api",web,,NA,1473861379,1473861390,1,1,55.5
19571,"test reporting api",web,,NA,1473861348,1473861376,1,0,3
19571,"test reporting api",web,,NA,1473861309,1473861318,1,0,67.5
19571,"test reporting api",web,,NA,1473861298,1473861305,1,0,87.8
19571,"test reporting api",web,,NA,1473861289,1473861294,1,1,78.8
19571,"test reporting api",web,,NA,1473861279,1473861286,1,1,5656.66
19571,"test reporting api",web,,NA,1473861254,1473861261,1,1,45.76
19571,"test reporting api",web,,NA,1473861234,1473861251,1,1,97.6
19571,"test reporting api",web,,NA,1473861223,1473861230,1,1,56.45
19571,"test reporting api",web,,NA,1473861206,1473861212,1,0,45.5

NOTE: Results will be ordered in descending order by start time, so the most recent response will always be first. The start_timestamp and end_timestamp parameters are dependent on one another; if you supply one, you must supply the other. By default, if no parameters are supplied, the response will contain the full date range of survey responses with an offset of 0 and limit of 500, returning up to 500 of the most recent survey visits.

Possible Response Codes

  • 200: success

  • 400: parameters supplied were not valid

  • 401: authentication headers invalid or the account is inactive

  • 403: you do not own the report

  • 404: the saved report was not found or no rows were matched for the report

  • 405: invalid HTTP method supplied (only GET allowed)

  • 500: server error

Response Notes


Since the payload of a successful request will be the csv data for the report, we've included a number of headers that will act as metadata related to the returned data and the overall data for the report. The following headers will be included:

Header Name





This value indicates the total number of rows that matched the query.



This value indicates the total number of rows returned in the response.



This value indicates the offset applied to the current response.



This value indicates the limit applied to the current response.

These headers should allow you to paginate your requests, if you're working with a very large data set.


The return structure differs based on whether rows were matched or not.

A successful response, one in which rows were matched, will always return an http code of 200 and the body of the response will be in text/CSV format, which will be the raw output of your CSV report. A sample of a successful response would be the following:

"Survey ID","Survey Name","Visit Type","Caller ID/IP Address","Phone Number",Start,End,Completed,"Was this information helpful?","What is your favorite decimal number?"
19571,"test reporting api",web,,NA,1473861379,1473861390,1,1,55.5
19571,"test reporting api",web,,NA,1473861348,1473861376,1,0,3

NOTE: A successful response will always contain the header fields of the CSV. If you are paginating, be sure to trim this off before appending the rows to an existing CSV.

An unsuccessful request, one in which no csv rows were returned and the http code was not 200, contains the following item(s):


Data Type

Always Present





Descriptive message indicating what error(s) occurred

Sample Code

This sample PHP code makes a request to fetch the first 10 items of a saved report:


$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, 'your_login:your_dev_pin'); // http basic auth credentials
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept: application/json'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); // return headers
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$headers = substr($result, 0, curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE)); // get just the headers
$body = substr($result, curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE)); // get everything after the headers
if ($http_code == 200) {
	// $body will contain the actual csv data
	// you can write this directly to a file
	file_put_contents('reports/todays_report.csv', $body);
	// or output it
	echo $headers."\n";
	echo $body."\n";
	// or whatever you would like..
} else {
	// non 200 indicates we did not get csv data, print the json body
	echo $body;

Last updated