Automatic Web Services
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Automatic web services is a setting, that when configured, makes Plum Insight automatically send the results of a survey visit to a SOAP or REST endpoint. This setting has to be configured individually for each survey users want to use it for.
Enabling Automatic Webservices
To enable Automatic web services for a survey, navigate to that survey's settings page. That page contains an “Automatic Webservices” section, which looks like this:
Web Session Timeout
This field determines the timeout duration for web survey sessions. If a user is idle for this period of time, their session will expire. At that time the automatic webservice request will be made. Note: By default, the web session timeout is set at 60 minutes, regardless of whether or not automatic web services is enabled.
Web Service Type
SOAP or REST, indicating which type of service will be called.
Web Service URL
The URL for the SOAP or REST service. If specifying SOAP, make sure this is the URL to the WSDL and not the service itself (i.e. make sure you append ?WSDL to the URL).
To enable automatic webservices for a survey, users must set a Web Service Type and a Web Service URL. Failure to set both of these fields makes it impossible for Insight to reasonably determine whether to interact with a REST or SOAP service and, as a result, Insight will abandon the attempt altogether.
The request data submitted by Plum Insight's automatic webservices feature will be identical to that of the SOAP and REST webservice question type. Users can build their services in the same manner as they would for a SOAP or REST webservice question type.
Automatic webservice requests will be made at the conclusion of a survey session or under the following circumstances:
After all transcriptions have been returned for audio recordings for comment question types
After a web session has exceeded the set web session timeout