Managing a Metadatabase

Deleting a Metadatabase

To delete a metadatabase, select the metadatabase from the metadatabase list. Click the trash can icon next to the metadatabase name. This opens a dialog window to confirm the metadatabase deletion.

Clicking “Yes” confirms the deletion. Clicking 'Close' or the 'x' in the upper right of the dialog window dismisses the window without making any changes to the metadatabase.

Deleting With Dependencies

Any metadatabase currently being utilized by a survey has a purple icon displayed in the metadatabase list.

Hover over the purple database icon to see a list of surveys that utilize a given metadatabase. Deleting an active metadatabase results in the the removal of all metadata question types that use that metadatabase from all surveys that are dependent on the metadatabase.

In other words, deleting an active metadatabase deletes all of the questions associated with that metadatabase in all of your surveys.Edit

Downloading a Metadatabase

To download a metadatabase as a CSV:

  1. Select the metadatabase from the metadatabase list and put it in edit mode

  2. Click “Download CSV”

  3. Insight outputs a CSV file of the metadatabase to view or save to a local computer

Uploading a Metadatabase

Uploading a CSV overwrites metadatabase columns and data values.

  1. Select the metadatabase from the metadatabase list and put it into edit mode

  2. Click “Upload CSV”

  3. Click “SELECT FILES”

  4. This opens a window that allows users to navigate their local drive to select a file to upload.

  5. Once the upload completes, click “Yes” to commit the overwrite. To dismiss the upload and not overwrite the existing metadatabase click “Close” or the “x” in the upper right corner of the dialog window.

Last updated