Deployment Management

Deploying a Survey

Click the yellow “Deploy Survey” button in the upper right hand corner to deploy a survey from the Deployment Manager. This opens a new dialog window with a dropdown menu that lists all available surveys.

Select the name of the desired survey from the drop down menu and click “Submit.” This redirects users to the Deployment Settings menu, where they can modify the deployment settings.

To abandon deploying a survey, click the 'x' in the upper right hand corner or the grey “Cancel” button.

Deleting a Deployment

Deleting a deployed survey makes it unavailable to respondents via both phone or the web. Deleted surveys cannot gather additional responses.

To confirm the deletion, click the yellow “Yes” button.

To dismiss this dialog window, click the “x” in the upper right hand corner of the window or click the grey “Cancel” button.

Note: Deleting a survey deployment removes any outbound call data associated with that survey.

Deployment Settings

Deployment settings are broken into two sections: Deployment Methods and Deployment Settings.

Deployment Methods

Respondents have the option of taking surveys over the phone or via a web browser. Surveys are compatible with browsers on desktops and mobile devices.

This section displays information that respondents need to take the survey:

  • Web URL: This displays the survey's URL. Click the link icon to open the survey in a new browser tab.

  • Inbound Phone Numbers: This displays the inbound phone number(s) associated with a deployed survey. Click the 'x“ button to the right of a phone number to remove it.

Deployment Settings

The deployment settings section provides more granular control over deployed survey behavior.

  • Terminate Survey: This feature allows users to schedule when to close their surveys. Terminating a survey means that it will no longer be available to respondents by either phone or the web. Users can choose the future day, hour, and minute when the survey will end. To close a survey immediately click the “End Survey Now” button to end the deployment. Once a user closes a survey this button changes to “Resume Survey.” Resuming a survey allows users to return a survey to active status. New respondent data in a resumed survey will be added to the data collected in previous deployments.

  • Maximum Responses: Set a value in this field to limit or specify the sample size of a survey, i.e. the total number of responses. A value of 0 allows for unlimited responses.

  • Total Responses: This is a running tally of how many times the survey has been taken.

  • Store Identifying Info: Enable this feature to retain the ANI or IP address of users taking the survey, if available.

Saving Deployment Changes

To save any deployment changes made in this menu, click the yellow “Save” button in the bottom left hand corner.

Last updated