Survey Manager


The Survey Manager is the epicenter of Plum Insight. Here users can create, edit, and delete surveys, run survey reports, or share surveys with other users in your organization's account. Any surveys that you create or that others share with you display in the survey manager list. You can sort the list of surveys by name or last save date. The search function for this section and supports live search by name.

Clicking on "Create New Survey" prompts users to establish basic survey settings (name, language, speech enabled) and launches the survey editor.

Only users with permission to create surveys may do so. For users who cannot create surveys a list of surveys shared with with account appears.

The full list of available actions in Insight include:

Not all users not allowed to share surveys. This is determined by a users permission settings. Surveys that are shared with you will show all of their available actions. However, those actions are limited by two different factors: 1. the permissions that were granted when the survey was shared with you (see: Sharing Surveys), and 2. your account specific “create” and “share” permissions (see: User Permissions). Only the direct owner of a shared survey can edit or delete it.

Last updated