Get Call Logs With Details

Get call logs with details within a timeframe

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Only for the last 5 days:

Detailed call logs are only available for calls made within the last 5 days.

Getting Call Logs With Details


Retrieve all call logs for the defined calls.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

  "calls": [
      "dest": "6177123001",
      "src": "6177123000",
      "start": "1575898386",
      "end": "1575898423",
      "session_id": "100035;000;1575898377",
      "detail": [
          "event": {
            "line": "Executing application \"Welcome Application\" version \"1.0\"",
            "data": {
              "module_type": "start",
              "result_variable": "start"
          "class": "info",
          "timestamp": 1575898386
          "event": {
            "line": "Hello, welcome to the Plum Fuse Plus sample application.  This application will show off a few different modules.  Let's start with some simple math.",
            "data": {
              "type": "static",
              "has_audio": false,
              "revision_id": "61231",
              "prompt_id_type": "module",
              "prompt_id": "598801",
              "language": "en-US",
              "module_type": "prompt",
              "result_variable": "welcome"
          "class": "prompt",
          "timestamp": 1575898386
          "event": {
            "line": "Please enter a number using your telephone keypad.  We will store this value as X.",
            "data": {
              "type": "static",
              "has_audio": false,
              "revision_id": "61231",
              "prompt_id_type": "module",
              "prompt_id": "598811",
              "language": "en-US",
              "module_type": "number",
              "result_variable": "X"
          "class": "prompt",
          "timestamp": 1575898399
          "event": {
            "line": "User input: 6 (dtmf)",
            "data": {
              "module_type": "number",
              "result_variable": "X"
          "class": "event",
          "timestamp": 1575898405
          "event": {
            "line": "Please enter another number using your telephone keypad.  We will store this value as Y.",
            "data": {
              "type": "static",
              "has_audio": false,
              "revision_id": "61231",
              "prompt_id_type": "module",
              "prompt_id": "598821",
              "language": "en-US",
              "module_type": "number",
              "result_variable": "Y"
          "class": "prompt",
          "timestamp": 1575898405
          "event": {
            "line": "User input: 9 (dtmf)",
            "data": {
              "module_type": "number",
              "result_variable": "Y"
          "class": "event",
          "timestamp": 1575898411
          "event": {
            "line": "Executing JavaScript",
            "data": {
              "module_type": "eval_js",
              "result_variable": "sum"
          "class": "info",
          "timestamp": 1575898411
          "event": {
            "line": "X plus Y equals: ",
            "data": {
              "type": "static",
              "has_audio": false,
              "revision_id": "61231",
              "prompt_id_type": "module",
              "prompt_id": "598831",
              "language": "en-US",
              "module_type": "prompt",
              "result_variable": "result"
          "class": "prompt",
          "timestamp": 1575898411
          "event": {
            "line": "15 (say-as: prompt)",
            "data": {
              "type": "dynamic",
              "language": "en-US",
              "module_type": "prompt",
              "result_variable": "result"
          "class": "prompt",
          "timestamp": 1575898411
          "event": {
            "line": ".",
            "data": {
              "type": "static",
              "has_audio": false,
              "revision_id": "61231",
              "prompt_id_type": "module",
              "prompt_id": "598851",
              "language": "en-US",
              "module_type": "prompt",
              "result_variable": "result"
          "class": "prompt",
          "timestamp": 1575898411
          "event": {
            "line": "To try that again, press 1.  Otherwise, press 2.",
            "data": {
              "type": "static",
              "has_audio": false,
              "revision_id": "61231",
              "prompt_id_type": "module",
              "prompt_id": "598861",
              "language": "en-US",
              "module_type": "yes_no",
              "result_variable": "try_sum_again"
          "class": "prompt",
          "timestamp": 1575898415
          "event": {
            "line": "User input: false (dtmf)",
            "data": {
              "module_type": "yes_no",
              "result_variable": "try_sum_again"
          "class": "event",
          "timestamp": 1575898419
          "event": {
            "line": "Now let's try capturing an address.",
            "data": {
              "type": "static",
              "has_audio": false,
              "revision_id": "61231",
              "prompt_id_type": "module",
              "prompt_id": "598881",
              "language": "en-US",
              "module_type": "prompt",
              "result_variable": "info"
          "class": "prompt",
          "timestamp": 1575898419
          "event": {
            "line": "Please say a US city and state.",
            "data": {
              "type": "static",
              "has_audio": false,
              "revision_id": "61231",
              "prompt_id_type": "module",
              "prompt_id": "598871",
              "language": "en-US",
              "module_type": "address",
              "result_variable": "city_state"
          "class": "prompt",
          "timestamp": 1575898423
          "event": {
            "line": "Disconnecting call",
            "data": {
              "module_type": "address",
              "result_variable": "city_state"
          "class": "event",
          "timestamp": 1575898423
      "type": "inbound",
      "log": true
  "total_calls": 1

Possible Response Codes

  • 200: success

  • 401: authentication headers invalid or the account is inactive

  • 404: call log not found

  • 405: invalid HTTP method supplied (only GET allowed)

  • 500: database error

The return structure contains the following item(s):

Response Data Definitions

Single Call Entry

Sample Code

This sample PHP code makes a request to this method:

// account and application settings
$email = '<your_email_address>';
$developer_key = '<your_developer_key>';
$start = strtotime('midnight -5 days);
$end = strtotime('midnight');
$number = '6177123000';
$limit = 10000;
$offset = 0;

// build the URL
$url = ''.$start.'/'.$end.'?number='.$number.'&limit='.$limit.'&offset='.$offset;

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $email.':'.$developer_key);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Accept: application/json"));
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

Last updated