Queue Multiple Calls
API for queuing multiple outbound calls
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Queuing Multiple Outbound Calls
Queues outbound calls in batches from a CSV of contacts.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
application_id | number | Application ID number. To find this number, see the following instructions from Outbound Calls. |
deployment_id | number | Deployment ID number. To find this number, see the following instructions from Outbound Calls. |
Name | Type | Description |
Content-type | string | multipart/form-data |
Accept | string | application/xml, application/json |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
csv | string | CSV file of contacts to receive the outbound calls. |
start_timestamp | string | Unix timestamp indicating when to begin the outbound dialing attempts. If not specified, the calls go out immediately. |
end_timestamp | string | Unix timestamp indicating when to stop attempting outbound calls. |
max_attempts | integer | Total number of times (between 1-10) to attempt calling a specific number (if previous attempts are not completed successfully). This field requires reattempt_wait field to be set. |
reattempt_wait | integer | Interval (in seconds) to wait before retrying the outbound call after a failure. This is only required when the max_attempts value is set to a number greater than one, indicating additional retry attempts. Valid values range from 60 to 86400 (1 minute to 1 day). |
result_url | string | Callback URL to your REST service that processes the call status results when the call is completed, canceled, or all attempts have been exhausted. The POST body matches the format of the call_details attribute from the outbound call status API response. For more information on result_url, see documentation here. |
is_pci | integer | For customers who have been granted access to our HIPAA / PCI compliant secure environment setting this flag to 1 will cause connected outbound calls to execute within that secure environment. (Integer 0 or 1). |
Possible Response Codes
200: success, calls successfully queued
400: supplied data improperly formatted or invalid
401: authentication headers invalid or the account is inactive
403: the user attempting to queue the outbound call does not have appropriate permissions
404: deployment not found
405: invalid HTTP method supplied (only POST allowed)
409: user, deployment, or application previously deleted
500: database error
The return structure will contain the following item(s):
Name | Data Type | Always Present | Description |
calls_queued | integer | no | This represents the total number of calls queued when the HTTP code is 200. |
error | string | no | Indicates what went wrong when an HTTP code other than 200 is returned. |
Sample Code
This sample PHP code makes a request to queue multiple outbound calls (with a queue.csv file in the same working directory as the script):
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