Users & Sharing

Definitions (Roles-Based Management)

Teams working in Plum Fuse can use roles-based management to set permissions to enable members to perform different functions when creating and managing applications. Every Fuse account contains two different types of users.

  • Account: An instance of Fuse operated by one or more users, typically on behalf of an entire company.

  • Admin: An individual who administers a Fuse account

  • User: An individual who has access to a Fuse account.

To help illustrate how companies can use roles-based management in Fuse, we’ve created an example of the sort of teams we see companies use with our platform.

Our sample team consists of four people:

  1. An Admin

  2. A Developer

  3. A Data Analyst

  4. An Audio Manager

The actions that users have access to in Fuse help define each of these roles.

Common User Roles

1. Admin

The user who creates the account becomes the admin by default. Admins have complete control over application development. Admins have additional powers that no other users have.

Application Development Actions

  • Build applications

  • Clone applications

  • Share applications

  • Deploy applications

  • View Reports

  • Control audio management

  • Access VoiceTrends data

Unique Admin Actions

See Admin Options to learn more about these admin actions.

2. Developer

The developer in this example has the full range of application development actions.

Unlike the Admin, the Developer cannot assign phone numbers to application deployments or enable other users to view reports for applications.

Available Actions

  • Build applications

  • Clone applications

  • Share applications

  • Control audio management

  • Access VoiceTrends Data

3. Data Analyst

Only needs access to application data, analytics, and reports.

In order to access the necessary information, it is necessary to share applications with the Data Analyst. With sharing enabled and creation disabled, the Data Analyst can view applications, but cannot edit them, nor can the Data Analyst create new applications.

Available Actions

  • Share applications

  • Control audio management

  • View Reports (as assigned)

  • Access VoiceTrends data

Sharing - Admin Perspective

Sharing A Report with the Data Analyst

An application can only have one phone number associated with it at a time. In order to access reports on an application, the Admin must grant the Data Analyst access to each phone number individually.

Select A Report Based on Phone Number

Sharing - Data Person’s Perspective

When the Data Analyst visits the Reports page after the Admin shares the report with them, they see something similar to the image below.

A drop-down menu appears with a list of users who have shared reports with the Data Analyst. Another drop-down menu contains a list of the phone numbers shared with them.

4. Audio Manager

The Audio Manager is likely someone in marketing and in charge of creating and managing audio files for application branding. This requires access to the audio settings of Fuse applications.

The ability to edit audio is not a universal setting; instead it is controlled on a per application basis. Therefore, the Audio Manager does not need the ability to share or create applications.

Because they all have sharing permissions, the Admin, Developer, or Data Analyst can assign an app to the Audio Manager. In order to do this, a user with sharing permissions must go to the Applications section of Plum Fuse.

View Application is checked by default. The app will appear in the Audio Manager’s application section. When they open the application they will be able to view all the pieces, but they will be unable to make or save changes.

Clone Application is greyed out by default. The Audio Manager doesn’t have app creation permissions so this isn’t an option for them.

Manage Audio - Ensure this option it checked and then click the Update Sharing button.

Now when the Audio Manager opens an application, they can navigate to the Audio Manager section and update the necessary audio components of the app.

To remove audio management permissions follow the same steps, but uncheck the Manage Audio option in the application sharing window. To completely remove a user from viewing or managing an app, delete the user from the application sharing window by clicking the (X) next to their email address followed by the Update Sharing button.

Last updated