Compare Variable
Depending on the value and variable in the comparison, the correct type should be used to avoid any unexpected results. The three types of comparison that are supported in this module are:
String (default)
The currently selected comparison type will also show up on the module above the comparison drop down. For more information, please refer to the compare types section under settings.
This module is commonly used with end-user input, or when getting results from a webservice for branching into different parts of the call flow based on the result.
The following comparison operators can be selected in the drop down
Equals to ( = )
Greater than ( > )
Lesser than ( < )
Greater than or equals to ( ≥ )
Lesser than or equals to ( ≤ )
Not equals to ( ≠ )
It is recommended to only use the equals ( = ) and not equals to ( ≠ ) operators for string and boolean types.
Module Settings
There are 3 different types of comparisons that can be used in the module.
String (default)
Most of the variables generated by input modules in the Fuse application are by default string types, therefore it is important to set the correct type when doing comparisons.
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